In such a circumstance, it is normal to cast off some hair each day as part of this cycle. However, a few individuals might also experience too much of (more than normal) hair fall and loss. Hair fall of this type can affect men, women and also children. Within this ambit of hair fall, a person has nothing to worry and be concerned about. This is only the body`s natural and intrinsic way of rejuvenating itself, by shedding strands of old hair. However, if one suffers of shedding more than what is natural; this calls for enough reason to consult a trusted medical professional who can assist one in understanding and comprehending the root problem. There can exist numerous causes of hair fall in the similar manner that there also exist umpteen kinds of treatment available in the contemporary market of current India. However, prior to that, a few basic facts about hair will perhaps render one a detailed idea of the nature of human hair. Human hair grows and develops from follicles right at the skin of the scalp. In principle, it is the number of hair follicles and their characteristic health that affects and impresses upon the growth of hair. Essentially growing within cycles, each hair follicle generally grows a single strand of hair for approximately 3 to 4 years. The cycle comes to a close with the shedding of mature hair, so that new hair can grow up once again. After a few months of "resting", fresh hair starts to take the place of the old and grow up maturely, in the place where the shed hair once was.
There exists millions of hair follicles in the human scalp, which further varies from one person to another. It is when hair follicles are damaged, injured or spoiled that hair begins to loosen its grip on the scalp and gradually, without even knowing it, fall away. An ordinary individual also might not just be aware that the hard and rigid combing of the hair damages the follicles irreplaceably, causing no hair to grow from it in future times. Unfortunately, this very mechanism mentioned is irreversible by any kind of medical assistance from any brilliant professional. Once hair follicles have been scratched or ruined, there is no way of re-establishing its former health, shine, bounce and vigour. What medicines can only do is to reduce the hair fall and make undamaged hair follicles generate further hair.
Hair fall and its governing properties are most primarily based upon the structure of the quality of hair. Hair on the scalp can be divided into two parts - the root and shaft. The root part of hair is in the skin (epidermis) of scalp. The hair root is surrounded by a pocket like structure referred to as the follicle. The base of hair root is in the shape of a bulb. This bulb is further indentured by capillaries and nerve fibres. The cells in the centre of the bulb divide amongst themselves. The newly divided hair cells push the previous cells up. The cells which move upwards die slowly forming hard hair shaft.
The hair shaft has three layers, comprising the cuticle, medulla and cortex. Cuticle refers to the outer layers and very much safeguards the inner layers; it is transparent. Healthy cuticle lends a sheeny and glossy appearance to the hair and unhealthy cuticle lends a lifeless and dead appearance. Medulla comprises the innermost layer composed of enormous cells. Cortex is the layer lying within cuticle and medulla. This contains vital elements like pigment and keratin. The cortex ascertains the volume, size and strength of hair. The hair follicle includes oil secreting glands, in the process making the hair shimmering and lustrous. Horrible stress and illness weakens this secretion of oil and pigments, thus causing greying of hair and hair fall.
According to ayurveda and ayurvedic practices, the hair is looked at as a tissue which utilises the same nutrients of bone and deemed as a tissue which is formed as a bi-product of bone tissue. Few strands of hair can always fall as the part of normal hair growth cycle, but some people can experience excessive hair fall which is more than normal cycle. There further exist additional non-medical and medical reasons for hair fall. Topping this list of non-medical reasons is a stern maintenance of diet. Rigorous and painstaking dieting can stimulate hair fall. Just because the hair is on the topmost part of the human body, does not imply that it could not be affected by the body`s internal functioning and fundamental processes. When one leads an unhealthy life, the hair is definitely one of the most significant victims. Nutrition is also a very key component to healthy hair, including consuming loads and loads of hygienic, drinking water. Not only will appropriate eating promote and boost the growth of hair, it will also very much retain the moisture and health of young and growing hair. It should also be remembered that one should never comb the hair the way one just might skim dead and dry leaves; it induces incurable damage to hair follicles.
Other causes of hair fall and loss comprises the everyday unnoticed, yet much too crucial cause pf pollution, blow drying of hair, making use of hair-unfriendly shampoos, the overindulgence or lack in washing hair and the use of harmful chemicals in hair colouring. It thus becomes quite apparent and obvious that the absolute lack of scalp hygiene causing scalp infections, eventually leads to unhealthy hair follicles and consequent hair fall. In this regard, it should also be noted that the scalp is where the follicles are and the follicle is where hair grows. Scalp infections are the sole cause of negligent and reckless care for the hair. Besides mentioning any further causes of hair fall and damage, it should be noticed that a complete or partial lack of sleep can cause hair ruination and damage. Running parallel to sleep disorders is complete physical stress and exertion, which too can clandestinely turn into a major cause of hair loss. Too much travail of bodily energy leads to physical exhaustion. Doctoral researches and findings have also established that an individual`s emotional well-being, safety or happiness tremendously affects the health of one`s hair. Emotional stress is as crushing and ravaging to one`s hair, as it is to very much to the heart. It is always advised by professionals to keep one`s mind and emotions verily in check. For even further assistance concerned with hair fall, it is always wise to talk to a doctoral physician who can help one comprehend and grasp the menacing problem.
A number of governing factors and elements can cause too much of hair fall and loss. For example, approximately 3 or 4 months after an illness or a crucial surgery, one poses the chance to suddenly lose a massive amount of hair. This hair loss and fall is absolutely related to the stress of the illness and is merely temporary.
Regarded within the normal ambit of hair fall, hormonal problems can bring in the primary cause of hair loss. If one`s thyroid gland acts to be hyperactive or under active, one`s hair might fall off. This hair fall and loss normally can be helped by effectively treating thyroid disease. Hair fall can occur if male or female hormones, acknowledged as androgens and estrogens, are out of balance and equilibrium. Correcting the hormonal imbalance may bring one`s hair fall to a close. Numerous women notice hair loss around 3 months after they have had been through the phase of childbirth. This loss is also very much linked with hormones. During an ongoing pregnancy, high levels of specific hormones cause the body to retain hair that would normally fall out. When the hormones return to pre-pregnancy levels, that hair falls off and the normal cycle of growth and loss begins once again. Hair fall and shedding can also be brought about by particular medicines available in the markets, which mostly happen due to negligence and lack of knowledge of appropriate medication. This type of hair loss gets better when ones ceases to take the medicine. Medicines that can cause hair fall comprise: blood thinners (also referred to as anticoagulants), medicines utilised and employed for gout, medicines made use in chemotherapy to treat cancer, vitamin A (if taken in too many doses), oral contraceptive pills and antidepressants. Specific infections bring in the irritating problem of hair loss. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair fall in children. This infection can further be effortlessly treated with the assistance of anti-fungal medicines. Finally, hair loss can occur as part of an inherent long undetected disease, such as lupus or diabetes. Since hair fall and loss is also looked at as an early sign of a disease, it is important to determine the root cause, so that it can be treated.
Improper and careless treatment of hair, like putting on and donning pigtails or cornrows or use of tight hair rollers, the pull and tension of the hair can cause a type of hair fall and loss termed medically as traction alopecia. If this rigorous pulling is stopped before scarring of the scalp develops, one`s hair is sure to grow back normally. However, scarring can cause a fearsome condition of permanent hair damage and loss. Hot oil hair treatments or chemicals made use in permanents (popularly referred to as "perms") may induce inflammation or swelling of the hair follicle, which can result in scarring and hair fall.
The phraseology "common baldness" usually refers to the male-pattern baldness, or permanent-pattern baldness. Male-pattern baldness is the most widespread and witnessed cause of hair loss in men. Men who suffer from this type of hair fall usually have inherited the characteristic. Men who start losing their hair at an early age tend to develop more extensive baldness. In male-pattern baldness, hair loss typically results in a receding hair line and baldness on the top of the head, more precisely, the crown.
Women also stand the chance to develop female-pattern baldness. In this form of hair fall, the hair can become suddenly thin over the whole scalp.
Consulting a doctor will probably be helpful at times to reduce the ailment of the malady of hair fall and loss. Common medical and professional questions like checking on the essential daily diet, an everyday intake of medicine for any particular ailment, whether one has had been through any recent illnesses and how does one generally look after one`s mane, generally decided upon the limit and extent of hair fall. If the patient for hair loss concerns a girl or woman, doctoral questions about one`s menstrual cycle, pregnancies and menopause are the most common determiners of hair fall and further treatment. Finally, blood tests or a biopsy (taking a small sample of cells to examine under a microscope) of one`s scalp may be needed.
Depending upon one`s type of hair fall and loss, long lasting and serious treatments are available. If a particular medicine is causing one`s hair to fall of, the doctor generally prescribes a recognised medicine. Distinguishing and dealing with an infection may help stop the hair fall. Medicines may also help slow down or prevent the development of common baldness. A medicine, minoxidil (brand name: Rogaine), is available without a prescription (i.e. acting as an `over the counter drug`). It is applied directly to the scalp. Both men and women can make use of minoxidil. One more medicine, finasteride (brand name: Propecia), comes in a pills format and is suitable only for men. It may take up to 6 months, before one can determine if one of these medicines is working at all or the contrary.
Some medications that intrinsically possess hair fall as a side effect are very often prescribed for teens. These include acne medicines like isotretinoin and lithium, which is used to treat bipolar disorder. Diet pills that hold within amphetamines also can cause hair loss and fall. Chemotherapy drugs for cancer are probably the well-acknowledged medications that cause hair loss. The Alopecia areata skin disease causes unwarranted hair loss on the scalp and sometimes elsewhere on the body. Alopecia areata, looked at as a deadly disease by the commoner, is thought to be an auto-immune disease, in which the hair follicles are damaged by a person`s own immune system. (In auto-immune diseases, the immune system misguidedly snipes on healthy cells, tissues, and organs in a person`s body). Alopecia areata usually begins as one or more small, round bald patches on the scalp. These can grow bigger and in a small number of cases, can progress to total hair loss. Both boys and girls can be suffering from it and the disease often begins in childhood. The hair usually grows back within a year, but not always. Sometimes people with alopecia areata lose their hair again.
Trichotillomania, another psychological disorder in which people repeatedly and repetitively pull their hair out, often leave bald patches. It results in particular areas of baldness and damaged hairs of different lengths. People suffering from trichotillomania usually need professional help from a therapist or other mental health professional before they are able to stop pulling their hair out.
Abrupt and sharp alterations in climatic conditions owing to relocation and rearrangement can result in unlimited skin and hair fall and damage. If one is moving to an entirely new place and environment, it is first better to scout out researches in terms of climate and water quality, so that one can equip oneself with oil and shampoos that is able to defend and guard hair. A change of temporary location like holidaying may expose one to hard water or bore well water, which is again not easy on hair.
Getting over-conscious and too fussy about assaying to shed weight to attain a perfect figure and in attempt to lose weight faster, many try to adopt a diet plan. Steep diet changes affect differently upon each body type. The amount of calories required, depends upon the type of activity one does and also upon gender. There are phases like breast feeding, when one would require high calorie food and depriving the body of the same will not do any good in the long run. Protein content is also dependent on each body type. A specialist will always suggest a balanced nutrition plan which comprehends particular minerals, vitamins, iron and calcium that is important for sound hair health.
Staying away from calcium rich food is not good for bones, teeth and hair. Though there exists corrective techniques for increasing calcium content, the most easygoing way is to concentrate on the intake of dairy products. Bananas also are rich in calcium. `Calcium absorption` is a long-term process and to aid calcium absorption one has to also stimulate vitamin D or good exposure to sunlight. Hair fall and loss can be also caused by making use of `vanity` products in excess like rebonding, perming, colouring or ironing the hair.
There can thus be seen a superfluity of choices in hair products and cosmetic applications. Most allergies of skin are induced due to low quality shampoo, imbalance in Ph content or allergic scalp. Dandruff if not arrested on time can cause tremendous hair fall. Split ends tend to go upward and consequent hair breakage comes about, which causes hair thinning. Specific products which are purchased `off the shelf` owing to the influence of ads, is never considered apt for the hair my medical professionals. Each hair cycle varies exceedingly and the quality of hair can be improved only with equilibrised diet and nutrition. Hair fall and loss due to advancing age, is more common in men where balding occurs or again alopecia is another common concern. Forcible and spontaneous pulling of hair is a psychological disorder that harms the shaft and root and is difficult to cure. Chemotherapy which is done for the treatment of cancer also causes hair fall.
A liberal intake of vitamins can be considered as one of most foremost treatments of hair fall and loss, which is subsequently succeeded by healthy options like - intake of high protein and iron rich diet; consumption of raw vegetables, fresh fruits, salads, green leafy vegetables daily; washing hair in a routine manner (twice weekly) with suitable shampoos; using relaxing techniques to conquer stress, anxiety and sleeplessness; preventing fungal infections of scalp; preventing hairstyles which pull hair. Due to these causes, the tridoshas get vitiated and causes in hair fall. The vitiated doshas affect the scalp skin, which can be treated with medicated oil containing herbs Bhringaraja (Eclipta Alba), Amalaki (Embelica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) and Vibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica). This very blended rich oil is looked at as a best remedy for hair fall.

Following some simple caring and treating tips can always stimulate and boost the growth of healthy hair. Long hair is more prone to fall off. So, if one sir gifted with long hair and are experiencing excessive hair fall, then one could consider keeping it short. One can of course select and choose a hair cut which suits the face perfectly. Shampooing of the hair as often as required to clear the dirt and grime is counselled too. The filth and grease always poses a chance to clog the pores, stimulating hair fall. In this context, one should always keep in mind to select a shampoo that suits the hair type; massaging the scalp while in the process of shampooing and using a conditioner after a shampoo, mostly brings back the lost lustre. To treat and pamper the scalp to an oil massage at least once a week is also very much recommended. This will only nourish the hair roots and also improve and excite blood circulation. Hair loss and fall mostly is known to occur due to lack of vitamins or hormonal imbalance. Therefore, it is advised to consult a dermatologist immediately, if one experiences excessive hair fall.
Particular medicines (over the counter drugs) available in the market, which helps prevent hair fall and damage, just might pose the chance to lead to premature baldness in beings. These medicines act by slowing down the process of hair fall.
Hair loss, hair fall and additional damage and dandruff are one of the most irritating and annoying disorders that can even make a person depressed and dispirited at times. As one gradually leaves the teenage years behind and passes into the 20s, one realises and distinguishes and that hair fall is an adversity that affects everybody, although in varying degrees of severity. To distinguish normal hair fall from abnormal hair loss, one must first comprehend the hair cycle, which further can only introduce one into the causes of hair fall. Each strand of the scalp goes through a growing phase termed as `anagen`, lasting approximately 1000 days, a transitional phase termed as `catagen`, lasting 10 days (the hair stops growing during catagen) and the final resting phase referred to as `telogen`, which lasts 100 days - the hair then falls out of the follicle to be replaced by a new strand of hair, which will go through the same three phases.
There are approximately 1,00,000 hairs on the average scalp on any given day and thus it is believed that upto 100 hair strands dying and falling out each day is normal. Most people, however, are of the opinion that they should not be losing even a single strand, which is obviously inconceivable and impractical. Hair, going by its life cycle, will grow and periodically fall out again - normal hair loss should not be stressed over, as the 100 strands that fall out are replaced by new ones produced by the scalp. Specific conditions however, are known to increase this loss dramatically and require urgent treatment and proper prevention.
Based on this mentioned element, causes of hair fall are also mostly deliberated upon negative aspects like
- Stress is looked at as the biggest culprit, implicated in both generalised (all over scalp) and patchy (in sections, like Alopecia Areata) hair loss.
- Piteous nutrition comes as a close second, with `crash dieting` often blamed to cause hair loss and fall. Young adolescents starving themselves to look like their admiring star personality, often pay for it with severe hair loss after six to eight weeks.
- General inclination with a transmitted dominant tendency for male pattern baldness; female members of a family can act as transmitters as well.
- Male hormones (androgen-testosterone) are patronising male pattern baldness by means of increased production and a resultant increase of androgens in the blood stream thus increasing baldness.
- As the period for hair fall essentially is between the 20th and 50th years of age, there lies no danger of male pattern baldness prior to puberty.
A number of things can cause excessive hair fall. For instance, around 3 or 4 months after a sickness or a crucial surgery, one stands a chance to abruptly lose a large amount of hair. This cause of hair loss is associated with the tremendous stress of the illness and is rather transient. Hormonal problems are also viewed as commanding causes of hair loss. If one`s thyroid gland is overactive or under active in every cases, the thickness of hair can turn into a receding hairline. Numerous women notice hair loss about three months after they have experienced the stage of pregnancy and delivery. Certain and particular medicines can cause hair fall, just as in birth control pills and antidepressants. This type of hair fall however signals signs of improvement, when one ceases to consume the medicine. Children may suffer from hair loss caused by a fungal contamination and infection of the scalp. Stress to a large extent turns up as a cause of hair fall in the long run. A sudden change of city and relocation causes incontrollable hair loss due to the change in water, most often from soft to hard water, containing large amounts of iron.
The expression "common baldness" usually means male-pattern baldness. Male-pattern baldness is the most common cause of hair fall in men, in a panoptic format. Men who are possessed with this type of hair loss, commonly are recognised to have earned this characteristic attribute in a hereditary process. Men who begin to loose their hair at an early stage of growing up, are mostly inclined to develop more extensive baldness. In the male-pattern baldness, hair loss characteristically ensues in a retreating and withdrawing hairline and baldness on the top of the head.
Natural hair fall in a man, or male pattern baldness, as it is normally referred to, is basically caused due to male hormones, (known as androgens in a combined manner). The most pertinent of these hormones with regards to hair loss is called testosterone. In the case of a man who has inherited the obligatory and crucial genes for hair loss, a little of this testosterone is formed by some of the hair roots into a derivative referred to as Dihydrotestosterone. It is this Dihydrotestosterone that is actually responsible for and is also one of the determining causes of hair fall.
As a providing instance, when anyone cleanses the hair, there always can be witnessed a few remaining hairs left in the basin/floor of the bathroom afterwards. This does not necessarily entail that the person is thinning in the mane. All that is going on is that some of the hair roots are shedding their old hairs and, in time, these are sure to be replaced. The new hairs are assuredly as strong as the previous hairs were. The small white bobble on the end of the hair is not the hair root, it is in fact, shaped from collapsed cells from within the hair root and is named as the club. If it were achievable and feasible for a hair to be pulled from the scalp bringing a hair root with it, then the scalp would actually bleed.
If dihydrotestosterone has been secreted, it will be present in the surface sebum (grease), which is released by each human from the sebum glands present through their skin tissue. Under such contexts when a hair is shed, the dihydrotestosterone will enter the follicle (the hole in the scalp from which the hair has come) and while inside there, it reacts in a clever chemical manner. What it actually performs is to `miniaturise` the hair root and follicle. This implies that the new hair growing through will be finer in texture and quality. When this new fine hair is later shed, the Dihydrotestosterone again miniaturises the follicle and hair root even further and thus the next hair will be finer still. This almost cyclic chain will continue until the hair is so fine that it may as well not be there at all and if this happens over a specific area, then the scalp will obviously thin over that area and hence baldness occurs. Causes of hair fall amount to even larger and dire conditions, which are actually sometimes apparent to the layman. An elementary cause of hair fall can be detected when one can normally tell when a person is thinning on the front hairline by feeling the thickness of the hair and comparing it with the hair at the back of the head.
It is also ascertained after researches and experiment that 99 per cent of all causes of hair fall and loss in men and women is caused by one thing - excessive oil. This oil, termed as sebum, clogs up the pores of the scalp and smothers follicle growth. With time, the hair root is as if asphyxiated, making it impossible for new hair to grow. The follicles on top of a man`s head grow straight upwards; subsequently, when oil is released from the scalp, it has no place to travel by itself. On a woman`s head, it can slip down the hair shaft towards the tip; in case of a man, it can only slide back to where it came from - the scalp. Thus, if the scalp is not cleansed in a healthy manner, this oil turns into wax, thus clogging the pores. When a hair is shed, its subsequent cannot grow out to further advancement and boosting. The hair, as a result, becomes weak and literally goes to "sleep" under the scalp. The few hairs that manage to push through that waxy barrier are so frail and undersized that they are ready to fall out as soon as they break through. Such are the circumstances leading to male pattern baldness, another path-defining cause of hair fall.
In this context of causes of hair fall and its alarming consequences, it can be stated that baldness occurs not through heredity, nor as a result of the outcomes of testosterone on the hair follicles in the `target zone`. Rather, it is caused because of poor blood flow to the scalp, tremendous lack of sufficient nutrients in the blood and poor drainage of waste products through the lymphatic systems. Men turn bald because the hair is forestalled from growing by being blockaded at the hair growth centre - the hair follicle. The cause of this blockage and hair fall is the accumulation of dihydrotestosterone in the scalp, which some men are prone to. This is basically looked at as the negative effectors, not as is frequently thought testosterone. This accumulation of dihydrotestosterone may be the major reason for excessive hair loss, together with one or more other minor factors.
A co-habitation of three factors brings about, especially in men, a typical hair deficiency in the area of the temples, a bald crown mid-head or forehead area or a general thinning of these areas.
The three important factors causing this kind of hair fall and additional development are as follows
Other factors such as mechanical irritation (washing, combing of hair, wearing a helmet, etc.) stress, lack of vitamins or minerals or unwarranted influences of the weather though are not regarded as causes of hair fall, have the capability to trigger male pattern baldness. Through the already-described genetic disposition, the hair growing Enzyme 5-Reductase blocks the forehead, the mid head and crown area; only the donor areas at the back and on the sides of the head are not badly struck. As scientists so far have not managed to influence and dominate the three factors above and have not managed to arrest hair loss either, not to state growth of new hair, research tried to bring to the forefront an endeavour to activate the Enzyme 5-Reductase against the generic determination. As has been mentioned before, there exists umpteen and varying explanations given for the cause of hair loss. Each clinic, consultant and even doctors always have provided dissimilar and highly unlikely explanations for the cause of hair fall and baldness. The marketing strategy demands that every individual tries to convince and talk one into saying that their products are the best ones in the market.
There are some drugs which further adds to the list of the causes of hair fall. However, the foremost cause of hair fall can be attributed to inadequate nutrition; hence even a partial lack of almost any nutrient may cause hair to fall. Individuals lacking in vitamin B lose their hair and those deficient in folic acid often go completely bald. Stress, such as worry, anxiety and sudden shock, are another commanding and crucial cause of falling of hair, since it is stress that leads to a severe tension in the skin of the scalp. This adversely affects the supply of essential nutrition required for the healthy growth of the hair. General debility, caused by severe or long-standing ailments like typhoid, syphilis, chronic cold, influenza and anaemia, also gives rise to this disorder. Such acute illnesses make the roots of the hair turn weak, resulting in the falling of hair. Unclean condition of the scalp can also cause loss of hair. It weakens the hair roots by blocking the pores with the collected dirt and grime. Heredity is another predisposing and finalising crucial factor, which may cause hair fall.
Treatments of hair fall firstly comprise the proper and precise taking right personal care and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. If one desires to keep the hair healthy, it is best to start by `feeding` it from the inside out. An equilibrised diet for healthy hair implies a diet that possesses lots of vitamins, minerals and a perfectly reasonable one at that, under no circumstances of misconceptions, will make hair strong and shiny. Extra carefulness while combing the hair needs to be maintained, especially after washing it, as the hair in such a state is most delicate and mild when it is wet. Avoiding chemical damage and going easy on the styling products and straightners (which induces damage in hair and making it weak). When one is into the act of combing or brushing the hair, it is always advised to do it gently and keep the braids and ponytails loose, so they do not hurt the hair by pulling it too tautly. Treatments of hair fall always have been beginning in the elementary basics beginning at home, later moving up to the `damage control` by proper professional assistance and medical help.
Prior to delving into deeply into the various kinds of treatments of hair fall and loss, it is necessary to know that the most foremost conditions of damage to hair can come about by transitory situations, like administering of medicines, stresses or inadequate and unsatisfactory iron supplements. Hair fall due to infections just might require oral antibiotics or anti-fungal drugs and medications. Alopecia areata, considered one of the most lethal ailment of receding hair line, is treated with injections of some steroids like Triamcinolone, that is shot into affected areas. For all of these elementary to deadly reasons, early treatment of hair fall would always work at its best. For hair loss induced due to androgenic alopecia, there still however exists no known remedy, although there are numerous treatments available but none of them show signs of promise. Finasteride is a prescribed hair loss and fall programme that is advisable for men only. Minoxidil can also be dabbed straight onto the scalp and is beneficial for both men and women. The medicine normally works best for hair fall at the top and backside of the scalp, where there still exists some remaining hairs. Such treatments/therapies/drugs for hair fall and loss are termed as those OTCs, or `over the counter` drugs in practically all pharmacies and supermarkets.
Yet another grand process to treat hair fall and stop hair loss, is to choose an appropriate hairstyle, since they are frequently regarded as the most efficient concealer of hair fall. Partial hairpiece or wig is also recommended if hair loss is intense. In the deciding moment, if nothing works, hair transplantation is always considered to be a sure-shot for hair fall, since this state-of-the-art technique has improved spectacularly over the past decade. During hair transplantation, healthy hairs are gleaned from areas of the scalp with normal hair growth. Individual hairs are then fixed into sites of the scalp where sings of hair loss can be witnessed. If executed well, transplantation results in exceedingly natural appearance of hair.
Age-old traditional medicine, now blended with modern science and technology, do possess some effective long term and easy to use treatments of hair fall and breakage. The time-tested long-standing traditional or natural methods for arresting hair fall and dandruff are just considered the tip of the iceberg, when home remedies are concerned for excessive hair loss. Though some of the processes are cumbersome or the ingredients not readily available, this is the only and natural way for debarring as well as curing the irritating disorders. The ripened fruits of Soap-nut, botanically termed as Sapindus emarginatus, are doused in hot water for 10-15 minutes and then mashed with hand in the same water earn the final infusion. This infusion can be used beneficially on an everyday basis, with absolutely no side-effects as a shampoo. The concocted shampoo lends rich lather and can be likened in lathering property to synthetic lathering agents, mostly found in manufactured shampoos.
Another time-tested natural shampoo is the thoroughly ground powder of Black gram, which is concocted and prepared into a glutinous paste with which the hair is washed and the scalp thoroughly massaged. This serves as a first-rate and high-quality soap for the body also. Enriched with all the home remedial and natural goodness, both the above-mentioned - Soap-nut juice and Black Gram powder, are natural shampoos, with no loss of natural oil from the body and additionally are anti-dandruff. Prior to head-bath the some of the essential applications always have proved useful during treatments of hair fall. Prior to shampooing or head-bath, the scalp must be exhaustively massaged with an amalgamation made of mashed fenugreek seeds and sour curd. It is later advised to leave on for 15-20 minutes and wash with the shampoos suggested above.
People who do not prefer to administer oil during day times can apply oils like virginal coconut oil before going to sleep and then shampoo the ordinary way the next morning. This helps restoring the lost oil from the scalp. Another remedy extensively employed in India and known as a vitamin C-rich fruit all over the world, Powder of Indian Gooseberry, is an exceptional rejuvenator for the treatment of hair fall. The fruit brings more bounce to the shiny mane, prevents or checks dandruff and aids strengthening the roots. There exists several such remedies, but right of entry to the raw materials or authentic products is a major difficulty, in addition to the time-consuming readyings. In order to ensure a healthy home remedial measure for treating hair fall and loss, one is recommended to at least choose a product that has less of synthetic components and more of naturals. It is lastly counselled to never opt for a shampoo full of chemicals, just because it lends oodles of lather!
Home Remedies for Hair Fall
Besides the already mentioned remedies and solutions for hair care and protection, umpteen and assorted home remedies for treatment of hair fall have been found useful in the prevention and treatment of the loss of hair.
Some of them can be stated as under
- One should vigorously rub the scalp with fingers after washing the hair with cold water, until the scalp starts to tingle with the heat. This process will activate the sebaceous glands and energise the circulation of blood in the affected area, making the hair grow healthy.
- Amla oil is considered a valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth. A mixture of equal quantity of fresh amla juice and limejuice used as a shampoo stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss.
- Oiling and massaging of scalp is extremely beneficial for arresting the hair loss. One should use coconut oil or mustard oil at least three times in a week. Specific medicated oils like Mahabhringraj oil, Amala oil, and Arnica oil are also of much use in treating hair fall and furthering hair growth.
- An individual should maintain a regular bowel movement on a routine basis. In case of constipation troubles, a mild natural laxative can be taken. Triphala, an ayurvedic herbal powder, is also useful for such instances.
- A daily application of refined coconut oil mixed with limewater and limejuice on the hair prevents loss of hair and additionally lengthens them to a fine appearance.
- Application of the juice of green coriander leaves on the head is also considered beneficial for home remedial treatments in hair fall.
- Another effective home remedy for loss of hair is the application of coconut milk all through the scalp and massaging it into the hair roots. It will nutrify the hair and boost hair growth. Grating the coconut shavings and squeezing it well will make a nutritious coconut milk.
- Washing the hair with a paste of cooked black gram dal, urad dal and fenugreek also lengthens the hair.
- A fine paste prepared from pigeon pea or red gram can also be administered regularly with beneficial results on bald patches.
- Regular usage of castor oil as hair oil helps in luxuriant growth of the hair.
- Particular home remedies have also been found useful in instances of patchy loss of hair. The seeds of lime and black pepper seeds, ground to earn a fine paste, can also be applied on the patches. This augments blood circulation in the affected areas and stimulates hair growth. The paste should however be utilised with discretion, as because it induces a mild irritation on the scalp; for better results, this paste required for treatment of hair fall, needs to be applied twice a day for a few weeks.
- Another useful remedy for patchy loss of hair is the paste of liquorice formed by grinding the pieces in milk with a pinch of saffron. This paste should be applied over the bald patches in the night before going to bed.
- A person must keep the scalp clean as far as possible, wash the hair every alternate day and apply conditioner at least once in a week. Brushing the hair daily for better circulation of blood under the scalp will further aid in hair maturation; however, it is also recommended to avoid back combing, as this can break hair from the shaft itself. Also, one should not apply conditioner on the scalp as this can encourage in hair loss.
- It is counselled to avoid using any harsh chemicals and the numerous ready-to-use styling products to prevent hair loss.
- An individual can also massage the hair with lavender oil; lavender oil has been proven to promote hair growth significantly and considerably.
- As a terrific antidote to arrest hair fall, it is advised to boil neem leaves in water, cool and strain the residual water. Later, this concoction when used to wash hair serves as a brilliant remedial measure for treating hair. Neem oil can also be blended with coconut oil in equal proportions and be utilised to massage the scalp.
Yoga for Hair Fall
Hair fall and loss due to damage and breakage can come about due to different reasons like heredity, stress, genetic problems, hormonal imbalances, pollution, excessive use of chemicals and styling products and an unruly and imbalanced diet. In such a context, hair fall treatments can of course resort to measures in yogic practice, a domain which practically perhaps holds in remedy for every humanly-acknowledged ailment since historic times. Yoga, pranayama and meditation are exceedingly beneficial to lessen the daily stress and thus helps in reducing hair loss and fall in a directly proportionate manner. Yogasanas like vajrasana and pawanmuktasana are especially declared to be beneficial to control hair fall.
Besides these, one can also try out the following tips and remedies for treating hair loss
Lastly, it has been forever recommended to eat a balanced and healthy diet comprising fresh fruits, vegetables, pulses, sprouts, eggs, fish, cereals and dairy products.
Stress management and eating a healthy, balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamins (especially biotin) and minerals (particularly zinc) are, thus, extremely necessary to arrest hair loss. One is advised to always consume plenty of dal, soya bean, paneer, channa, egg whites, white meat like chicken or fish, nuts and leafy vegetables. Too much of work schedule stress and exhaustion can make one to at times turn irritable and all dejected, so much so that he/she forgets to have the meal for next day. Under such circumstances, the sufferer is best advised to ask the doctor to prescribe protein and multivitamin supplements.
Treatment of Hair Fall by Nature Cure
The healthy condition of the hair depends, to a very large extent on the intake of sufficient amounts of essential nutrients in the daily diet; since hair is made up of protein, hence, the same is necessary for the body to give it back to get luxuriant and bouncy hair. As a consequent, when it is said that whatever a man does to save his hair fall, nothing can be done from outside application; the real element must be given into the inside of the body, i.e. by eating healthy food. Therefore, the diet of milk, buttermilk, yogurt, soya bean, eggs, cheese, meat and fish provides essential calcium nutrients to the hair. A mixture of lettuce and spinach juice is also good to drink to induce hair growth, if it is drunk approximately half a litre everyday. The juice of alfalfa mixed with that of carrot, and lettuce juice is also good to take in a systematic basis. But, while preparing alfalfa juice, only the fresh leaves of the plant must be used. People with a tendency to frequently lose hair should thus take a well-balanced and correct diet, made up of foods, which in combination should furnish all the indispensable nutrients. Thus, liberal quantities of (i) seeds, nuts and grains, (ii) vegetables and, (iii) fruits provide adequate amounts of all the essential nutrients. Each food group should roughly form the bulk of one of the three principal meals. These foods should, however, be supplemented with certain special foods such as milk, vegetable oils, honey, wheat germ, yeast and liver.
Treatment of hair fall has been one such domain of medicinal wonder which was very much present in India since the historical and even unrecorded times. For instance, treatment of hair fall by aromatherapy is one such remedial measure, involving the massaging of aromatic essential oils, which was the first to have perhaps been utilised in the royal harem of the ancient Indian majesties. Then again, treatment of hair fall in ayurveda is also the most sought after arena for both men and women, craving and yearning for a sheeny, thick, lustrous mane, bouncy in appearance. Equipped with such wellness treatments available in present day Indian market, one is literally spoilt for choice, not once worrying which way to proceed in case of troubles and ailments of a receding hairline.
The uncannily quiet environ, the spotlessly hygienised setting, the softened to softer music by the background, the heavenly essence of incense, fragrances, accompanied by the ecstatic aromatic oils by the bedside, together with an unlaxing body massage or bath perfectly makes up the domain of `Aromatherapy`. Aromatherapy is very rightly considered Mother nature`s medicine in its purest and most essential form. Aromatic oils serve as the very psyche and spirit of a plant. Even a drop or two can bring forth substantial and considerable results for the body, mind and the inner existence. The correctly and accurately administered essential oils are a natural, safe and efficacious way to enhance one`s health and well-being, further also producing gratifying and fulfilling results where other methods might just have proved unsuccessful. As such, it can be verily comprehended that treatment of hair fall by aromatherapy will prove to be life`s most rewarding and priceless an experience, wherein one can not only be guaranteed about the ceasing of hair loss, but also promise of growth of further hairs in the long run.
The beneficial essential oils for hair loss -- Bay, Cedarwood, Grapefruit, Jojoba oil, Lavender, Lemon, Rosemary, Roman Chamomile, comprise the most fundamental of the aromatic oils, making up the rudimentary treatment of hair fall by aromatherapy. The treatment of hair fall by aromatherapy and utilising the measures of this therapeutic relaxing remedy is regarded as a great `alternative medicine` in contemporary times. Aromatherapy makes use of essential oils extracted from plants, flowers, trees, shrubs and the various flora in forests. These oils are later either inhaled or administered externally, which further would get absorbed in the central nervous system. The aromatherapy oils are considered supremely safe and pose no danger of long-term side effects. This very facet makes aromatherapy treatment for hair fall or for skin safe for children`s use too! The amount of concentrations are altered for the use of children, since the essential oils are very strong in nature. They are subsequently extracted from the oil glands of the leaves, petals, roots etc. using various methods of extraction like steam distillation, percolation, expression etc.
These above-mentioned essential oils however cannot be utilised and employed directly - they require to be mixed with a carrier/ base oil for accurate treatment of hair fall by aromatherapy. The neat essential oils are used cautiously and in moderation for few ailments, but most of the times, they are coalesced with a base oil. The use of aroma oils in hair care is almost looked at like a godsend for mankind. The perfumed or heavenly scented oils exhibit permanent results, however, it should be noted that it takes from one to a few more months to first experience visible results.
As a result, one is always advised to be patient when he/she opts to switch to aromatherapy as a means of wellness measure. It should also be kept to mind that essential oils have multiple healing properties, so an aromatherapy oil which is utilised for treatment of hair fall can also be effective in skin care or any other disorder or weakness.
Each essential oil has almost 8 to 10 properties and uses
Essential oil of Cedarwood - This oil is known to darken the colour of hair. It aids in arresting hair fall, dandruff and fights against head lice.
Essential oil of Lavender - This serves as a balancing and calming oil and works best on dandruff. Lavender is very much effective for curing hair fall.
Essential oil of Geranium - This oil possesses sublime astringent and cleansing properties and reduces inflammation. Thus it acts as an excellent recipe for hair conditions like dandruff and head lice.
Aromatherapy treatment for hair fall and massaging has always been looked at as a pristine and gradually-improving wellness measure, very effective for treating hair loss and thinning of hair. The psychological factor involved - that of a blissful state of mind, a balm to the stressed and worn-out mind - itself makes up for the remaining healing measure, which is provided well by the therapist/masseur. Massaging with essential oils stimulates the scalp and the underlying hair follicles to always promote and energise new hair growth.
Aromatherapy treatment for hair fall instances like alopecia areata and thinning hair can be stated in the following measure:
An individual can blend all the pure essential oils together and apply on an everyday basis for an inspiring and exalting scalp aromatherapy massage. Later, the person needs to leave on that lather on the head for approximately one hour, after which it has been recommended to shampoo off thoroughly. This routine must be espoused daily for 10-14 days, then a break for a week is best to be observed, before beginning the cycle of daily scalp massage for another 10-14 days.
As yet another measure for treatment of hair fall by aromatherapy, the therapeutic practitioners have always mentioned for a serene, quite, calm, an atmosphere filled up with fragrance and smell of the divine. As such, it is always looked after that the place or position for rendering the therapy of the aromatic species of the flora is kept purely cleansed and sanitised.
One is advised to add the following amounts of pure essential oil into a 2 ounce dispenser bottle of pure light coconut oil:
- 6 drops Ylang Ylang
- 6 drops Rosemary
- 6 drops Thyme
- 2 drops Atlas Cedarwood
- 2 drops Lavender
- 2 drops German Chamomile
- 2 drops Clary Sage
After the primary work is done, the bottle needs to be stirred and tossed in order to thoroughly coalesce and immix the oils and then just allow to synergise for an hour or longer as time permits before making effective utilisation.
An individual is advised to add 2 drops of the essential oil either to `rinsed water` or to an unspoilt vegetable oil. Massaging this mixture well into the scalp has been counselled as the second measure. Later, he/she is advised to wrap the hair in a plastic wrap and place a warm towel surrounding the head and just leave it in the mentioned position for 2 to 3 hours, or overnight. The next day, one is recommended to shampoo off the hair in a regular basis, making use of a mild shampoo (it is best to avoid any medicated shampoo), so that one does not stand the chance to damage the sebum balance. This counts as a perfectly equilibrised treatment of hair fall by aromatherapy.
A blend of bay and lavender essential oils is known to stimulate the scalp and aids in pushing hair health and nourishment. As an efficient measure of treatment of hair fall by aromatherapy, a follower is advised to add six drops of each oil to four ounces of a warm carrier oil such as almond, soybean or sesame oil. Then he/she is counselled to massage the mixture onto the scalp and let it to absorb for 20 minutes. Later, it is necessary to add three drops of bay essential oil to the shampoo one generally regularly uses and wash the hair off with this shampoo.
It is always counselled for an individual suffering from high blood pressure to avoid rosemary oil. The lemon and grapefruit doses is also recommended to keep to a low measure if one is born with sensitive skin, as they might just prove to be slightly irritating.
An Article Submitted By:-
Dr. Viney Pushkarna,
Founder & Director Of PRANA
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